.::B(u)Y Me::.
Suddenly I'm awake and thinking of you!
You are my first thought in the morning,
And my last thought at night.
I think of you throughout the day,
And wonder how you are.
You are incredible, intelligent, funny,
handsome, sexy, and just amazing!
I love every second I spend with you,
But hate when we have to part.
I never could have dreamt,
I'd meet someone as perfect as you!
You've fulfilled my fantasy,
A fairy tale come true!
My knight and shinning amour,
My very own prince.
I loved you the day we met,
And I've completely fallen ever since!
Let me tell you about this awesome new company!
B(u)Y Me
Has made this awesome pose just for you!
These poses are truly Amazing!
The name of this pose is...
"Suddenly Awake"
Here is your Taxi to get this awesome product and more by:
B(u)Y Me
**Offers Poses, Shapes, Nails, and More**
"The Most Beautiful Thing A Woman Can Wear Is Confidence"
~Happy Shopping~
Paisley Convair-T
Also I am wearing DOUX Hair, Birth Skin, Catwa Head, Maitreya Body
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