
 ~Two Words, One Finger~

The truth always comes out at the end, 
No Matter how hard anyone tries to hide it or stop it,
Lies are just a temporary delay to the inevitable! 

That it did!
My middle finger salutes you!


Darcio & Sam Poses 
Has made this awesome pose just for you!


The name of this pose is...

**This is just one of the awesome poses out of this set!**
Copy, Mod, and super easy to adjust IF needed!

Here is your Taxi to get this awesome product and more by:

.::DP&SP Poses::.


"The Most Beautiful Thing A Woman Can Wear Is Confidence"
~Happy Shopping~
Paisley Convair-T

Also I am wearing DOUX Hair, Birth Skin, Catwa Head, Maitreya Body


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