xXx Death Ink Tattoos xXx
~Evil Lies~
Some people will paint a certain picture of you.
One that isn't real!
One that is made up entirely in their minds.
They twist things around.
They manipulate the situation,
And try to turn the tables.
Try to make you look like the bad guy!
They make themselves the victims.
That's the thing,
The Truth comes out!
The lies come forward and the situation is set straight!
The lies said to make them look better than you,
Only backfire and makes them look even uglier!
Not everyone has a good heart and good soul.
And the ones that don't....
Try to destroy the ones that do,
But the ones that do...
Only become stronger and don't let the ugly crush them!
Stop & Move On!
Death Ink
Has made this awesome tat just for you!
The name of the tattoo Mikey is wearing is
~This tat has AMAZING detail to it!~
These High Quality Tats Are Compatible with:
(In 6 Shades)
*Face & Body shades*
Here is your Taxi to get this awesome product and more by:
xXx Death Ink Tattoos xXx
"The Most Beautiful Thing A Woman Can Wear Is Confidence"
~Happy Shopping~
Paisley Convair-T
Also Mikey is wearing Birth Skin, Catwa Head, Gianni Body
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