.::B(u)Y Me::.
~Best Part Of Me~
From the first moment I laid eyes on you,
And heard your speak.
I knew there was something about you I was drawn too.
You had me at Hello!
From a distance I watched.
I longed to know you more about you.
Not knowing at the time why,
But you never left my thoughts.
My heart would skip a beat as you entered the room.
I wanted to speak to you but didn't know why.
One day we spoke!
It was two worlds colliding and it all felt so right.
I knew that moment why I longed for you,
You were the one my heart & soul had been searching for.
From that moment on you have changed my life.
I have never smiled so much,
Laughed so much,
Never been this happy,
Felt so loved,
You are incredible!
My partner in crime♥
Everyday with you is a blessing.
I can't image a day without you in it now.
I found where I belong,
And that is with you!♥
The Best Part Of Me.....Is You♥
B(u)Y Me
Has made this awesome pose set just for you!
Their products are truly Amazing!
The name of this pose set is
Here are a few more shots of these awesome poses.
You get 5 awesome poses with a BONUS pose in this set!
Here is your Taxi to get this awesome product and more by:
B(u)Y Me
**Offers Poses, Shapes, Nails, and More**
"The Most Beautiful Thing A Woman Can Wear Is Confidence"
~Happy Shopping~
Paisley Convair-T
Also we are wearing DOUX Hair, Birth Skins, Catwa Heads, Maitreya Body, Gianni Body
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