.::JR Wolf Creations::.
~Always With Me~
I hope you know that I can't stop thinking about you.
You are in my thoughts meerly every second,
Every minute, every hour,
And most of all, Everyday!
You are the first thing that pops in my head each morning.
And you are the last thought I have before I sleep.
You have never left my thoughts since that first day.
You are forever in my thoughts and my heart♥
**This top fits perfectly**
Compatible with:
Maitreya Lara
Maitreya Petite
Legacy Perky
The pants I am wearing is called
"Sally Laced Pants Black"
Here is your Taxi to get this awesome product and more by:
xXx JR Wolf Creations xXx
"The Most Beautiful Thing A Woman Can Wear Is Confidence"
~Happy Shopping~
Paisley Convair-T
Also I am is wearing Birth Skin, Catwa Head, Maitreya Body
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