.::DP&SP::. @ Posevent
~Memories Of Us~
Those sweet memories of my life spent with you are the best!
They make me smile no matter what is going on around me.
You have no idea how much these memories we have made mean to me!
A simple watching of a sunset next to you,
Has more meaning than you truly know.
I know it might be silly,
But to me...It means so much.
Having a drink with you,
Talking to you,
Laughing with you,
Seeing you happy,
So happy!
Taking a walk with you,
Having dinner with you,
Looking into your eyes,
Feeling your hand in mine,
Redoing a first hug,
And More!
So many amazing memories made with you,
So many happy memories,
That we will never forget!
I love making memories with you so much.
I just hope you do as well!
Because making memories with you is my favorite thing to do.
I never want to stop making memories with you my love♥
Darcio & Sam Poses
Has made this awesome pose just for you!
The name of this pose is...
"Building Memories"
Here is your Taxi to get this awesome product and more by:
**After Event**
"The Most Beautiful Thing A Woman Can Wear Is Confidence"
~Happy Shopping~
Paisley Convair-T
Also we are wearing DOUX Hair, Birth Skins, Catwa Heads, Maitreya Body, Gianni Body
♥♥Making Memories Of Us♥♥
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