Biking with B-Made

♥Life Is A Beautiful Ride♥
Life Is Like Riding A Bicycle, 
In Order To Keep Your Balance,
You Must Keep Moving!
~Albert Einstein~

He's right! Life is like riding a bicycle.
Sometimes life can be a nice smooth ride or 
have a few bumps on the road to make your 
journey a little rough.
Either way....You must still keep moving. 

This bike ride with my love....
I am enjoying every minute of it!
A simple quiet bike ride is perfect at the beach with him. 
(Even if I might not be so quiet hahah)
Every moment with my love I cherish 
and look forward to the next!
We don't need a big adventure every day of our lives,
But the important thing is, 
Any journey we take in life....We will take together


This bike featured above is perfect if you want to share
some sweet moments with your love!

Has designed this awesome product!


As you can see this bike has poses
for both Singles and Couples!
(This Bike Is For Poses ONLY....Non Driveable)

Comes In 3 Colors





This bike is Perfect for capturing 
fun poses with your love, friends or even alone!


Don't miss out on this awesome product!


Here's where you can check out the bike 
and more great products by


"The Most Beautiful Thing A Woman Can Wear Is Confidence"
~Happy Shopping~
Paisley CheCazzo


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