Garden Lights @ ::Code 8::

~Light Up Your Garden~
There are fairies at the bottom of our garden!
They often have a dance on summer nights.
The butterflies and bees make a lovely little breeze. 
and the rabbits stand about to hold the lights!


If you are looking for the perfect little lights
to add to your flower garden. 

::Code 8:: has just what you are looking for!

The set featured above is called the
 "Garden Lights"

This set of high quality items are
low prim and easy to adjust to meet your needs. 

Package Includes:
Garden Light Bell Flower
Garden Light Mushroom
Garden Light Yellow Flower 

ALL items in the set can be resized!

Don't miss out on this awesome product!


Let me show you where to get yours!

"The Most Beautiful Thing A Woman Can Wear Is Confidence"
~Happy Shopping~
Paisley CheCazzo


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