.::B(u)Y Me::. @Cosmopolitan

 ~Summertime Sadness~

Kiss me hard before you go
Summertime sadness
I just wanted you to know
That baby, you the best
I got my red dress on tonight
Dancin' in the dark, in the pale moonlight
Done my hair up real big, beauty queen style
High heels off, I'm feelin' alive
Oh, my God, I feel it in the air
Telephone wires above are sizzlin' like a snare
Honey, I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere
Nothin' scares me anymore
(One, two, three, four)
Kiss me hard before you go
Summertime sadness
I just wanted you to know
That baby, you the best


B(u)Y Me
Has made this awesome pose set just for you!


Their products are truly Amazing!


The name of this pose set is
"Stands Set 5"
**5 amazing poses to pick from w/mirror pose**


A few more shots of this awesome pose set!



Here is your Taxi to get this awesome product and more by:

B(u)Y Me
**Offers Poses, Shapes, Nails, and More**

Exclusive @Cosmopolitan Event
Feb 21st - March 5th

**After Event**


"The Most Beautiful Thing A Woman Can Wear Is Confidence"
~Happy Shopping~
Paisley Convair-T

Also I am wearing DOUX Hair, Birth Skin, Catwa Head, Maitreya Body


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