.::B(u)Y Me::. Exclusive @POSEVENT

~All Of Me, Loves All Of You~
I wish I could explain how wonderful you are. 
How I could look into your eyes and never get tired of their beauty.
How the sound of your voice gives me butterflies.
How seeing your walk into a room make me smile every time. 
How much you mean to me,
And how much I love you!

I love everything about you.
I love your smile, 
Your laugh,
Your voice,
Your sense of humor,
Your eyes,
The way you say my name,
Your flaws,
Our bantering,
You have me in awe of you!

Most of all I Love US!
Together we are perfect in every way!

But you have me at a loss for words!
Even if I could find the right words to tell you these things,
It wouldn't come anywhere near to showing you how much you mean to me!

My Everything♥


B(u)Y Me
Has made this awesome pose set just for you!


The name of this pose set is
"Kiss Me In Paris"
We loved this pose set
These poses are perfect for V-day


**Here are a few more shots of these awesome poses**




Their products are truly Amazing!


Here is your Taxi to get this awesome product and more by:

B(u)Y Me
**Offers Poses, Shapes, Nails, and More**

Jan 28th - Feb 21st

**After Event**


"The Most Beautiful Thing A Woman Can Wear Is Confidence"
~Happy Shopping~
Paisley Convair-T

Also we are wearing DOUX Hair, Birth Skins, Catwa Heads, Maitreya Body, Gianni Body



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