xXx Death Ink Tattoos xXx

~Stronger Together~

You see all my light and walk with my angels.

As well as love all my dark and dance with my demons!

Hand in hand through it all♥


Death Ink
Has made these awesome tats just for you!


The name of the tattoo I am wearing is
The name of the tattoo Mikey is wearing is

Super easy to apply both tats with just a simple click in the hud

These High Quality Tats Are Compatible with:


(In 6 Shades)


Here is your Taxi to get this awesome product and more by:

xXx Death Ink Tattoos xXx


"The Most Beautiful Thing A Woman Can Wear Is Confidence"
~Happy Shopping~
Paisley Convair-T

Also I am wearing DOUX Hair, Birth Skin, Catwa Head, Maitreya Body, Gianni Body



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